Gratitude Is About Who, Not What
I’m talking about gratitude a little early this year…
This time next week, you’ll probably be in a food coma. And this is important.
Gratitude, in my opinion, is the antidote to the trials and tribulations (and there are many) of being an entrepreneur.
Running a business ain’t easy.
But if you can wake up every morning grateful for the chance to do the work that you do…well, that’s certainly easier than waking up feeling like the world is out to get you.
You get to choose which story you tell yourself.
I use gratitude to keep perspective on what I have. When I feel like what I have isn’t enough, I remind myself: I may not have exactly what I want, but I certainly have what I need, and then some.
But the most powerful way I use gratitude isn’t about what. It’s about WHO.
Look around your company. Every person there—your 20-year veterans and your brand new hires; your superstars and your underperformers—they have chosen to work with you, for you.
What an honor.
Every relationship may not work out exactly the way you hope. Still, those people on your team chose your business for their work and for their livelihood.
It’s a great privilege.
If you need a way into the state of gratitude, let your team be the conduit.
Find ways to appreciate them for exactly who they are and for the effort they are contributing to your organization.
Even on your worst day, they show up.
If that’s not something to be thankful for, I don’t know what is.