Is Your Company Truly Customer-Centric?

In the course of your company’s daily operations, how important is your customer?
Would it surprise you to learn that knowing your customer well—and serving them well—is an indicator of a company’s ability to grow?
It’s not just lip service.
I’m not asking if you have a customer persona documented in your marketing department.
I’m not asking if your biz dev team knows which job titles to target when they go hunting on LinkedIn.
Deep down, do you know what your customer wants? What they aspire to? What keeps them up at night?
And are you selling something that fills those gaps for them?
It’s one of the most basic principles in business, but also one of the toughest to get right.
Because it’s easy to perceive customers as the unpredictable wild card in a company’s path to success. Their needs change. They can be difficult to deal with. They push boundaries. They get unhappy.
All those things can be true. It’s also true, of course, that you don’t have a business without them.
Connecting more deeply to your customer doesn’t start with research—it starts with flipping the script inside your head.
Customers aren’t the barrier to your business success. They’re the reason for it.
To embrace that, you need to find a way to love—yes, love—the customers that you serve.
Feel compassion for their challenges. Be inspired by their achievements. And wake up every morning excited to help this particular group of people you’ve chosen to work with.
If you can find that genuine connection, it will change everything. The way you market. The way you sell. The way you deliver. The culture of your entire organization.
It starts with you.
You may not know every detail of your customer’s inner psyche today. That’s okay.
The more important question is: do you actually want to get to know them better?
Start there. The rest will follow.
P.S. Need help connecting with what your customers really want from you? Our consulting team can help. Contact us today to get started.