What Can You Accomplish in the Next 10 Years?

7 more years.
That’s how long I’ve got left in my current plan. The plan is to be done by 60.
What does done mean?
For me, it’s achieving a set of personal financial goals and business accomplishments.
If I want to hang it all up at age 60, I can.
Will I? Not likely, to be honest. But my days will look different. I’ll likely travel between 4-5 locations, working, although less than I am today.
I’m in the middle of a 10-year plan, and the older I get, the more clarity I have on what I need to accomplish in that time frame.
There’s no way to do everything. What do I need or want to do most?
There’s a great book I read recently: Die with Zero. The premise of the book is that you have three primary resources: health, time, and money.
Those resources are finite, and you have them in different amounts at different phases of your life. It’s definitely worth a read, and it has helped me be intentional about this current decade.
2024 will fly by. And my goals for this year have to help move me toward my bigger objectives.
So what do I want to accomplish?
This year is all about finishing the base in the consulting company. Working on the key projects we have outstanding until the core business is basically baked.
And by age 60, I need a few other things as well:
1. To have built a company that is impactful for entrepreneurs, and to know that company can survive for a long time..
2. A team that is successful and happy—and that can run the business with less input and energy from me than I give today.
3. To hit “my number” in my personal finances. I know what number I need to be comfortable. I could always have more money, and I’m sure I could spend it. But I don’t need it, and that’s okay.
Sometimes, in business, we get so focused on the problems in front of us. We think in 90-day intervals. A year can seem like an eternity to an entrepreneur. But I suggest giving yourself permission to think bigger.
10 years will be here before you know it.
There’s a great quote from Bill Gates: “Most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years.”
Today is the start of your next 10 years. Where do you want to be—and who do you want to be— when you arrive?