What Lessons Are You Learning From Your Business Wins?

Your company is sitting on a mountain of victories.
You didn’t get where you are today without some wins. No matter how many problems you’re facing today, there are plenty of things you’ve done right.
It’s critical to celebrate the wins. That’s what motivates you and your team to keep going.
Want to do even better?
Learn from the wins.
The things your company does that work are valuable IP. Just maybe not in the way you think:
Comp packages that incentivize high performance.
Marketing messages that resonate with your customer.
Operational processes that create efficient workflows.
All of it makes up the body of “what’s working” in your business. How can you leverage what works? Why did it work? How can what’s working help you achieve the next level of growth?
Reflection is part of every strategic planning session we run with our clients. It’s part of every weekly meeting.
The losses tend to sting the most. You can’t help that—your brain is wired to focus on the negative.
But you can be better than your brain. You can look at what’s going well in your business, and take time to appreciate it.
Then, you can use those wins to help you keep winning.
When we built our system, the Growth Method, we made an intentional change in one particular area. What had previously been “issues” became “challenges and opportunities” (hence the “CO List”).
The challenges always bubble up to the surface.
You have to put effort into finding the opportunities.
To fully translate your company’s wins into a body of knowledge, you’ve got to document it. People come and go. Initiatives that worked years ago get forgotten.
Write down what works so you don’t forget it.
Entrepreneurship isn’t easy.
But it’s not all bad, either.
Learn from your wins, and I guarantee you’ll see more of them.