What Will You Do with the Time You Have Left?
We will all be dead soon.
Or at least, soon enough.
I’m not sure why, but I’ve always had a heightened awareness of that fact. Life is short—too short to do everything you want.
What do you want most?
And what are you waiting for?
Look, this doesn’t have to be about business, generating wealth, or leaving a legacy. It is for me, at least in part. But it’s about other things I want, too.
You have a finite amount of time to do what you want. If you take advantage of every single minute of it, you’ll squeeze a lot out of life.
Instead of discussing whether or not you really want it, get moving.
Weeks, months, years pass so quickly. I now set my targets for the next decade.
If you haven’t thought this way, it’s probably because it makes you uncomfortable (fyi - leaning into that discomfort is always where the true success lies…).
I respect that—but it doesn’t change the circumstances.
When you are keenly aware of your impending doom, it can cause problems (as you might imagine).
It’s hard for me to understand why people sleep, relax, or do nothing, even though I know there’s value in those activities.
I push myself, probably too hard.
If I’m not careful, I end up with blinders on, hyperfocused on my goals and missing out on the rest of life.
For me, the antidote to all this is gratitude.
I aim for what I want, but I’m also grateful for what I have now, even if I achieve nothing more…
And therein lies my balance.
Life doesn’t go on forever. But the impact we make can certainly outlive us.
I see it everyday—our clients hitting goals and achieving amazing things.
Whatever age you are, there’s still plenty of time left to accomplish what matters to you.
Get going.
I’m rooting for you.